About Me

Hi Friends,
               Each and every girl will treasure the moment they Become A Mom. All her tears and suffering would have now changed into happiness. This change would have happened in A Moment!!! The moment  the girl would have heard her baby crying!!!!!!!!!!! Her happiness increases by countless times again when she sees everyone in her circle, rejoicing the New Born. She would have finally found the answer for all her sufferings during her labour.
               What happens next!!!!!!! All her well wishers will start giving advice on how to take care of  the baby. There may be total contradictions between each suggestion, which may make the mom feel confused. A person who have joined Engineering, will have experience in studying, previously. Only that the subject differs. This is same for all Profession. But Mother Hood  is all New for each girl and she need to go back to  kinder garden to learn It. But what if someone force to do something she is very sure that it is not good for her baby. They may do this Knowingly or Unknowingly. Finally she is ended up with frustration.

                 Each and every girl has to cross all the above situations. Whatever may be the output should be a 'Healthy and Happy Baby'. For that there are few Slogans that you have to keep saying within you (sometimes to others also) whenever you feel frustrated.

'Each Baby Is Different'
'Each Baby Is Different And Mine Is Very Different and I Feel Proud For It'
'Babies Are Different On Each Day'
'Each Baby Will Have A Unique Identity In Them'

                 But why am I talking about all these. Because like every other girl I have also crossed all the above situations. I wanted my friends reading this blog, feel that they are not alone.

A Big Thanks to My Special Grand Mother Dhamayanthi who was a great support for me. A small hint for my friends to know why she is so special for me. Imagine a lady in her 70's being awake all through the night for continuous one month helping her Grand Daughter. I was so inefficient that it took almost a month for me to learn to carry my baby in my shoulders for the first time.

There is another Special Women In My Life, My Mom, Whom I wanted to Thank. Having Undergone so many surgeries in her 30's, I should have not bothered her so much. She used take rest in the night and take care of my son all through the day.

This may sound very common for all new moms. But I felt like  'All these are showing my Inefficiency'. I did'nt want to be like that. So I decided to grow my son independently and brought him to my place on his 100th day. I had so many opposes for this decision and everyone told me I will not be able even give bath to my son properly. I had only one person on my side. It's My Ever Loving Husband. Even though he had fear whether i will take care of our son properly, he did'nt show it to me. He understood me and all he said was, 'Come here!!! I am there for you!! I will take care of both of you!!!!' It is because of him and his courage giving words, I took over the entire family responsibility, looking after my son, my husband, my brother and one of my cousin, which is something big for a 23 year old girl. But I feel happy for that now, because that situation showed me what I am capable of.

My Lovable father and My awesome brother, feeling lucky to have both of them in my life. The support i get from them is Immense. When I need them, they are there for me always.

Not to forget to mention thanks to all my in-laws(Father-in-law, mother-in-law & brother-in-law).

I wanted to dedicate this blog to all the above people and also my Gynaecologist, Dr.Madhini, who gave me the courage that anything is possible, by making me deliver my son normally.

OMG!!!! I forgot mention some one. The Person who gave meaning to my life. 'Sarvesh, My Cute Little Prince', who is a treasure for me.