Here are few important tips for moms before starting solids and also few important points for moms with toddlers.
1. Try to introduce all the foods to your baby that can be given in each particular stage. The baby should be introduced to all the tastes in appropriate stage. If not, it may have higher possibility that the baby will never eat food in that taste even after growing up.
For example: A baby is capable of eating bitter guard around the eighth month.
2. Introduce only one food at a time. Keep giving it for continuous 3 days. Check for any digestion problem before proceeding to next food. If any symptoms exists stop giving that food and add it to the next stage list.
3. While feeding a new food for the first time give it in the day time preferably before noon. Few more foods may be allergic for the baby. If those foods are given in the night you may not notice any allergic symptoms the baby shows.

4. From the first day you start giving them solids make them sit in one place and feed them. If your baby is yet to sit on own, make them lie in your leg or lap and feed them. At the end, point is, the baby should be in one place while eating. They get easily distracted while roaming here and there and lose interest in eating. By the time they finish the meal they would have digested half of the meal(and of course your full meal) and may lose all the energy they obtained.
You may have a feel that your baby is eating less. But Trust Me!!! Quantity of the food is never a matter for them. All we have to give them is the Healthy Eating Habits.
When your baby grows into a toddler, one fine day you may notice that, as soon as your toddler sees you taking his/her food he/she may go and sit in the place where you usually feed them. The happiness that a mother will get at that moment is indefinable.
5. Give more importance for diary products(except cheese) including yoghurt, which helps in physical growth as well as mental growth.
6. Never give the food in the form of puree always. Yes!! Giving food in the form of puree is ok in the earlier stage. But the transition should happen at appropriate stage. Do consult with your baby's paediatrician at each stage who may suggest you the texture of the food, based on the baby's digestion capacity and teeth growth.
7. Here comes the most important point everyone should have in mind. Your baby's kidney is too small to process high amount of sugar and salt. So add very less amount of sugar in your baby's food. For the babies being mother fed, sugar and salt can be totally avoided, since they get the required amount of sugar and salt from the mother's milk itself.
8. When your baby is not interested in eating for one day, all that we have to do let them go without forcing, so that they will have their food the next day. If you try force feeding your baby, it may end up in creating a aversion for food in them.
Always Remember!!! It is not only that 'Each Baby Is Different' but also 'All Babies Are Different On Each Day'
Note : For moms who have older kids, just dont worry. Trying To Do Something Is Much Better Than Not Doing Anything. Do contact me if you really think that you have to change any of the routine for your baby through my official page in facebook' '. I can share with you my personnel experience, 'what I have done when I went wrong' . No One Can Be Perfect Always.
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