Sunday 19 April 2015

Introducing salt and sugar in a Baby's Diet

Salt and sugar is the required in minimum amount for the babies below one year. This minimum amount is already present in the mother's Breast Milk, so adding it in solids and supplements is really not required until the baby is being breast fed. What would happen if  added?would be the question that comes into all our mind. Doctors suggest to avoid salt and sugar until their first birthday, because your little one's Kidney is very small, making it difficult to process high amount of salt and sugar.

However there is a very common myth stating that giving salty and sweet foods would refrain the little one from eating the other tastes. This is absolutely false because at this stage the baby's taste buds are not fully grown and thus it cannot identify the differences in tastes to some extent. But what we need to consider is both sugar and salt are being manufactured by processing it in various stages and what we all know is that the baby should not be given processed foods.

Please Note that it is highly recommendable to give the normal day-to-day diet that is being followed at home once your little one has turned one. So salt and sugar can be added in normal propositions in all foods after their first birthday.

Have A Happy Parenting

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