Monday 14 July 2014

'My Toddler has quit eating his/her all time favourite' - Tips to Overcome The Situation Easily

      The most difficult time for a mom is when she says 'My Toddler has quit eating his/her all time favourite', especially when that particular food has high nutritional value.Yes!!!!! It hurts for sure. But there is always a better way to handle this problem than simply worrying.

     Having a two year old toddler at my home I have crossed this situation many times. For instance, when My Son was eight months old he was a lover of avocado. He would often skip his regular meal and instead have half of the avocado for his lunch. Trust Me!!! It's is very difficult for us to eat the avocado raw without sugar, since it does'nt hold any taste at all, ANY. But having not introduced to other tastes babies less than one year will Happily eat it. I used to pat myself whenever I read some articles about avocado and it's positive effects on baby's growth. But my happiness did'nt sustain for a very long time. When he turned one year old, he started to show aversion for many foods that included Avocado. He started to run away whenever he sees me bringing avocado for him. I tried diverting him by playing some videos and then giving him avocado. He simply used to spit it out as soon as he recognized the taste(of course tastelessness!!!) Not wanting to force him much I gave up and put a full stop to Avocado(But soon I recognized it was simply a comma).

    Initially I kept blaming him for not eating those that was his favourite, some time back. But suddenly something flashed in my mind, that changed my attitude towards this. I have a aunt of mine who always used to blame her sons for not eating Any Vegetables. I keep telling her that she should take the responsibility and do something to change them. But Why did I forget this when I was in need of such an Attitude. That's Human Nature!!!!!!

Few Tips To Help Your Toddler and You Overcome This Situation Easily.

    1. If your toddler is showing a sudden aversion to some food stop giving it for few days(say 3 to 4 days), until they forget that they have said No to it once. It can also be a temporary one, which may turn into a strong aversion when you try to do force feed.

    2. When you notice a strong aversion, divert your toddler by showing any videos, and then feed them with that food. If that does'nt work hand over the food to your toddler in a plate and allow them to eat on their own without bothering much about the mess they are going to create. Toddlers always love to eat on their own which also helps them improve their hand-eye coordination.  

   3. If your toddler is still holding a BIG NO, then you really have to give a break(say for a month), the time that you can utilize to find out the best way to give the food in other form. For instance if your toddler is not eating raagi porridge anymore, you can give raagi dosai or 'Upma/Kitchidi' made out of raagi vermi cell.
        In my case, I started to sprinkle some sugar all over the avocado and feed him, for which he was convinced for quite some time. Sometime later he didnt like that also, after which I decided to change the texture totally. Now a days I make a puree out of it by adding some quantity of milk and sugar and then pour the content to a cup and hand it over to him(sometimes I hold it for him) with a straw that is big enough to suck the puree.

    4. Finally, this is for moms who have tried all the above and have reached the stage of giving up. Yeah!!! You can give up  trying to feed that particular food. But not your Positive Attitude. Try to compensate those nutrients, in some other way. Feel Happy that your kid has got the unique nutritional value of that food for quite some time.

      As the babies grows their Taste Buds also gets developed and that is the simple reason for them to show aversions at each stage. When handled properly it could to be changed in favour of the baby as well as mom.

Have a Happy Parenting

Contact me if any suggestion is needed in changing the form of a food.
Click here for Healthy Eating Habits to get more such tips.


  1. hi divya,

    valuable tips!!.
    i have never given my son avocado. suggest me how do i introduce it to him. i can make out the differences in his taste buds. too fussy with food

  2. hi sabireen,
    Thank you for sharing your comments here.
    Yes !!! You are correct!!! It would be difficult for us to introduce any new food once their taste buds are developed. I would suggest you to make a puree out of the avocado(make sure you do not filter anything)by adding milk and 2 tea spoons of sugar, and give your son in Sippy cups. I am sure he would enjoy the Avocado Milk Shake.
