Tuesday 19 January 2016

'Growth Spurt' - What it is all about?

What is Growth Spurt?

            A sudden increase in the bone length of the baby/toddler over night is termed as Growth Spurt. It may last for 2 to 7 days depending upon the developmental milestone the baby is about to attain through that spurt. Each baby’s growth is different phase and pattern and hence they get this spurt when they are two weeks, three weeks, six weeks, three months, six months, 1 year, 18 months old etc., Experts also say that the child will face spurt until adolescences.

How to identify a Spurt?

  • The child may seem to be hungrier than usual or they may seem to lose their appetite completely.
  • The child may tend to sleep longer or they may stay awake throughout the night.
  • The child may seem to be crankier, restless and clingy than usual or they may look very tired.

Dos and Don’ts during Growth Spurt

·         Refrain from giving any soothing feeling for the child (by pressing the legs), which may hinder the growth that was intended to happen.

·         Feed the child with healthy, supportive food that can aid her in growth.

·         Allow the child to take enough rest.

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